Student engagement is critical to the success of Amicus and its work. To ensure that the next generation of professionals is invested in the cause, we would like students to comprise an ever-larger proportion of our membership body and also join the ranks of our passionate contributors.

Student groups are key to this.

Student groups provide a platform for students to become closely involved with Amicus. Student groups raise funds for us, increase awareness about the use of capital punishment in the US and inspire participation in our US Death Penalty Training and placement programmes.

A Student Representative is the point of contact between a student group and Amicus. Amicus recruits student representatives every year. In the 2023/24 academic year we had 25 reps at 17 universities. All our Student Reps work incredibly hard to spread awareness and raise funds for the Amicus cause and we are extremely grateful!  

Interested in becoming a Student Representative?

Applications for the 2024-25 academic year are now OPEN.

See all the information you need about the role and requirements below. When you are ready, you can apply using the application form. 
If you have any questions, please email

Please note that in order to be eligible, you must be a member of Amicus and be an undergraduate or postgraduate student at a UK university during the academic year of 2024-25. 

Please use this application form to apply. The deadline for applications is Friday 16th August 2024, 23:59 BST.

If you have any questions at all, please send us an email at

What do Student Reps do?

Target One: Grow the Community
Encourage at least 10 students to become Amicus members

Student Representatives and their groups help to grow the Amicus community by engaging fellow students and encouraging them to join the charity as members. The support of members is vital in order for Amicus to continue our fight for justice on death row.

Target Two: Spread Awareness
Encourage at least 5 students to come to Amicus Death Penalty Training
Amicus student groups are in a great position to learn more and spread the word about death penalty issues. Every student group has the opportunity to host information sessions by Amicus staff members, former Amicus interns, exonerees and lawyers associated with the charity. At our bi-annual US Death Penalty Training, students will hear from experts in capital defence law and gain invaluable insight into the subject. 

Target Three: Fundraise a Target of £500 &
Target Four: Hold Events

Fundraise & Organise Events
In addition to the tried-and-tested bake sales and pub quizzes, members of our student groups have come up with many innovative initiatives to raise money for Amicus. They have planned textbook sales, death penalty debates, ticketed film and documentary screenings and even sky-diving challenges! Student Reps hold at least one per term.

Can you think of something different?

Advice from Previous Student Reps

Alice, UON Rep 2015-16
Fundraising Advice:

"Fundraising was one of my favourite parts about being an Amicus student representative. I managed to raise quite a bit of money for the charity over the year, but these are my main tips for fundraising:

- Try to have a lot of diversity: big sponsored events (I did a charity skydive) can bring in a lot of money, but events like bake sales widen your audience.
- Try and think outside the box and do fun events you haven’t seen before.
- Don’t stop! Fundraising events are fun to plan and don’t take up too much time – I tried to to do one every month."

PatrickKCL Rep 2016-17
Tips for acquiring sponsored places for Students at Amicus Training:

"In KCL's case, we were quite lucky in that we have had a relationship with the firm who sponsored us going back several years, so we already had that contact established. Having said that I do have a few pointers:

- Inform the firm of your plans for the year, explain how you are looking to develop the project throughout the year.
- Personalise each email. Look on the firm's website to see if they've done much pro bono work in the past that you can point to and say that Amicus' ethos aligns with the firm's ethos of pro bono.
- Talk to the firm's student rep in your university and ask whether they know a specific contact that would be suitable for reaching out to. They might know if the firm has a designated contact for sponsorship or pro bono related matters."

Upcoming Student Events

Please check individual Amicus student group social media pages for updates!

Other Announcements

Amicus student representatives at King's College London have launched Amicus Reflections, a blog detailing their thoughts on the death penalty. It is a student-run, cross-university blog and they welcome submissions from all students interested in the cause. Take a look and get in touch with them!

Our Brilliant Student Groups

Click on their names to see their social media channels!