The Amicus Journal is the leading reporter on the significant issues affecting capital punishment worldwide. It provides a forum for dialogue on issues concerning the death penalty and related topics. The journal includes articles written by academics and practitioners on current legal issues and on the death penalty, news from around the world, and reportage from Amicus interns in the US.
View some extracts of our previous journal articles written on a number of topics such as ineffective assistance, the mental retardation standard, juries, procedures and the philosophy & constitutionality of the death penalty altogether.

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To commemorate 50 years since the landmark ruling of Furman v Georgia in 1972 which temporarily abolished the death penalty in the US, we have made Issue 43 available for free. Please click here to read. 
This issue focused specifically on the Furman ruling and post-Furman landscape in death penalty litigation. If you want to find out more or talk to us about any of the articles, please drop us an email at
All members receive a copy of the Amicus Journal upon publication (students get an e-copy, regular members are sent one in the post). If you wish to subscribe to the Journal, you can do so with the links below.






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