Philosophy and constitutionality of the death penalty
Chammings, S., 'The Supreme Court upholds the constitutionality of death penalty – for now! An assessment of the judgement in Glossip v. Gross', Issue 37, p. 49.
Cooper, S. L., 'Ray Milton Krone: Once bitten, twice convicted', Issue 20, p. 32.
George (KC), M., 'US Supreme Court rules Kansas death penalty is unconstitutional. Case summary: Kansas v. Marsh', Issue 16, p. 9.
Hughes, G., 'The case for abolition in the United States based on international law and the death row phenomenon', Issue 23, p. 25.
Walsh, R., 'The odd one out: Felony murder, the law of parties, and the execution of non-killers', Issue 33, p. 10.
Yorke, J., 'The unnecessary punishment of death - Part one', Issue 28, p. 18.
Yorke, J., 'The unnecessary punishment of death - Part two', Issue 29, p 35.
Gorman, H., 'The jury system on trial: Do jurors execute justice?', Issue 15, p. 13.
Herron, N., 'The capital appellate process and the unkept promise of the Antiterrorism and Effective Death Penalty Act', Issue 24, p. 9.
Newburn, A. ,'Preparing a punishment case (and avoiding the ‘abuse excuse’)', Issue 30, p. 22.
Juvenile executions
Northover, J., 'The final end of juvenile executions: Roper v Simmons', Issue 12, p.5-7.
Ineffective assistance
George (KC), M., 'Incompetent lawyers and hapless appellants: How the “narrow exception” in Martinez applies in Texas', Issue 31, p. 20.
Intellectual disability/Mental retardation
Killingley, J., 'Case reports: Atkins v. Virginia', Issue 5, p. 20-22.
George, M. (KC), 'Executing the mentally retarded', Issue 5, p. 12.
George, M. (KC), 'The Eleventh Circuit upholds Georgia’s “beyond a reasonable doubt” standard for proving mental retardation', Issue 27, p. 8.
George, M. (KC), 'Supreme Court strikes down Florida scheme for determining intellectual disability claims: An analysis of the decision in Hall v. Florida, No.12 - 10882', Issue 34, p. 10.
Youngs, J., 'Supreme Court upholds right of capital defendant to a hearing on his intellectual disability claim' [Brumfield v. Cain], Issue 36, p. 24.



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