Flight for justice
Nottingham University Student Representative flies and raises hundreds for Amicus.
This is Alice, our wonderful Nottingham University Student Rep.
In January, Alice flung herself out of a plane to raise an incredible £584.68 for Amicus.
Of the experience, Alice admits that she was "absolutely terrified! I chose to do a skydive because my fear of heights is really well known, so people who know me would see how much I cared about the cause and therefore be motivated to sponsor me. I'm really dedicated to Amicus and its aims; everyone deserves human rights and the right to life. Almost as soon as we had jumped all my fears disappeared - it felt more like flying than falling. It all went by so quickly and I would definitely do it again."
Well done and thank you, Alice!
If you think you're up to the challenge, consider becoming a student representative for 2016-17. Applications now open!