I am currently an intern in Houston, Texas. Before starting the internship I completed the Bar Professional Training Course and worked on legal education projects in schools in deprived areas of London. I have completed two weeks of my three-month internship and what a busy and eye-opening two weeks it has been! R, who is the other Amicus intern and I, have driven (for the first time!) to Beaumont to visit clients in jail and attend court hearings; visited clients in jail in Houston; attended meetings with experts and I have started analysing the defence and State's evidence for a pending capital murder trial. I have been most surprised by the drug culture in the United States, both legal and illegal substances, and the effect this can have on defendants when they commit crimes and the mental health problems that most of our clients suffer from. We are due to carry out many more prison visits, including one to death row, witness interviews and attend court hearings over the coming weeks.