My first 3 weeks working with a Public Defenders Office have certainly opened my eyes to the realities of the American justice system.
My work is focused on first degree murder charges, where the State intends to seek the death penalty. In the short time I've been here already, I've carried out a wide range of work including meeting with medical experts, and witnessing my first depositions. I've been helping compile a mitigation package, to be used in highlighting why our client does not deserve the death penalty. This involves speaking with the defendant's family, friends, community members, teachers, doctors, anyone in that person's past who might be able to speak to their character, health and background. I've also had the opportunity to sit in on a first degree murder trial, watching the American approach to witness cross-examinations, highly emotive closing speeches and the judge's jury instructions on the complex laws in play.
The Public Defenders have a substantial workload and I have already visited five different clients in jail. All of these men have different backgrounds, varying in race, religion, education, wealth. Having spent time with them, and as I start to understand the circumstances that led to their incarceration, I remain sure that none of them deserve to be killed.
Outside of the office, I attended an event at a local church about the use of capital punishment. It was a highly interesting discussion, with people from all sides of the debate present. I listened to the stories of incarcerated inmates, later exonerated, who fight daily against the imposition of the death penalty. I also heard from Brother Dale Recinella, who for decades has been Catholic Correctional Chaplain for Florida's Death Row, whilst his wife works to support the families of the executed. He spoke of his work with inmates during their incarceration and also throughout the day of their execution. Brother Recinella, also outlined his work "The Biblical Truth about America's Death Penalty", a book which compares biblical teaching about the death penalty, including such passages as "eye for eye, tooth for tooth, life for life" with the nation's current system of capital punishment, arguing for the eventual abolition of executions.
Outside of my work at the Public Defenders, an inmate on Florida's death row heard about my internship and discussed it with his friend in the UK who reached out to me. Thanks to this chain of events, I am now hoping to meet with him at the Union Correctional Institution, up in Raiford during my visit to learn more about his life on death row - where he has been for almost all of my lifetime.