I don’t think that I have the true ability to put into words how incredible the work that Amicus does on a daily basis and I am extremely grateful to Florence, Maroshini and Margot for making the three-month internship such an eye-opening and invaluable experience.
Throughout the three months, we were designated diverse tasks from death penalty research through to responding to sensitive letters from prisoners on death row. I can honestly say that I thoroughly enjoyed every task I was given, in the knowledge that it was worthwhile and not just mindless administrative tasks that often interns are delegated to pass the time. Florence and Maroshini made sure that we, as interns, were suitably busy and they were also extremely welcoming, ensuring that we felt like one of the team.
During the internship, it came to my attention the sheer injustice that can occur in death penalty cases. Notably, I remember looking at some death penalty statistics (see the photo of me caught by the team at this moment!), and my genuine shock at what I discovered made me realise the vital work that Amicus carries out. The charity aims to help provide representation for those facing the death penalty in the United States and this frontline approach is undeniably essential to help combat the issues surrounding the death penalty and its disproportionate application in capital cases.
I will never forget my time at Amicus, mainly due to the welcoming and inclusive atmosphere of the office. The other intern, Cecile, made my time at Amicus particularly special and I have definitely made a friend for life in her. This internship has inspired me to continue my studies and career in human rights and I hope that one day it is me fighting for justice in the courts.
I am and will be continually grateful to Florence, Maroshini and Margot for having me. I can honestly say that an internship at Amicus is more than an internship, because you come away with not only legal skills and increased human rights knowledge but also friends and life skills; to me that is invaluable, so thank you!