Newsletter: July 2018

Tuesday, August 7, 2018
Our newsletters are sent to members at the end of every month. They are composed of articles (usually US death penalty-themed) written by members for members.
We publish an abbreviated version here shortly after it is sent out. If you'd like to write for the newsletter and support us, click here to become a member.

Amicus news

Matrix Bursary Applications Now OPEN!
If you're considering doing a US internship but don't know how you're going to fund it, Amicus in conjunction with Matrix Chambers could help! We are giving bursaries worth £500 each to 3 US internship candidates. All you have to do it apply!
Deadline is Sunday 28th October at 23:59 pm. For more details and to apply click here.

We are happy to announce that Amicus' US Death Penalty Training Autumn 2018 will be taking place on 19th - 21st October and 3rd and 4th November. For more details and to book your space click here.

If your university does not have an Amicus student rep, have no fear! We will have another round of applications opening on Monday 6th August for universities without reps. So keep a close eye on the News and Student Rep section of our website.

Amicus and amazon
There's now a simpler way to give to Amicus. AmazonSmile allows you to donate a small part of your purchase to a chosen charity at no extra cost. To find out more and set up Amicus as your charity visit the Amazon website here.

For those of you interested in completing an Amicus US internship, please click here for more details and to apply.

If you haven't already, please take a moment to fill out our communication preferences form so that Amicus can keep you up to date with Amicus news, events and opportunities.

Also, browse The Obstacles page for facts and quotes about death row, including links to some very interesting podcasts. If there is content you think we should include, please get in touch with us at

In the News

Prosecution: State should bring back firing squad executions
A county prosecutor in Ohio has called for the state to bring back death by firing squad since appeals over lethal injection drugs “take too damn long”. Joe Deters, prosecutor for Hamilton County, argues that Ohioans need to accept capital punishment for what it is, or ... Read more

The death penalty in Tennessee is a “cruel lottery”
A recent study has concluded that Tennessee’s capital punishment system is a “cruel lottery” that is “riddled with arbitrariness”. Read more

San Antonio killer on death row denied clemency, despite pleas from victim’s son
Hasmukh “Hash” Patel’s is a sad story, Christopher Young’s also. There has never been any doubt that Young, a Blood street gang member, was responsible for the murder of Patel, in 2004 in San Antonio, Texas. Young fatally shot ...Read more

Why Texas has been forced into the back streets, looking for drugs
In line with other major pharmaceutical manufactures whose drugs such as pentobarbital have been used to execute those on death row, Alvogen could be the first drug manufacturer suing a state that would stop the execution of ...Read more

Pharmaceutical company, Alvogen, triumphant in halting Nevada execution
On July 11th, 2018, Ely State Prison death row inmate Scott Dozier was scheduled to be the 12th ‘volunteer’ to be executed in Nevada since 1976 after waiving his right to appeal. After a decade on death row for the April 2005 murder of ...Read more

Amicus would like to extend a special thanks to George Mullan, Klara Slater, Sarah Cave, Michael Henshall, and Georgia Richardson for their contributions to this month's newsletter.
If you'd like to have your say, please get in touch with us at We'd love to hear from you!