Our newsletters are sent to members at the end of every month. They are composed of articles (usually US death penalty-themed) written by members for members.
We publish an abbreviated version here shortly after it is sent out. If you'd like to write for the newsletter and support us,
click here to become a member.
Amicus News
If you missed your opportunity to attend our US Death Penalty training, you can book your place for Spring Training 2019.
Spring Training Dates
Weekend 1: 8th, 9th & 10th March
Weekend 2: 23rd & 24th March
Booking is now open.
Amicus and amazon
There's now a simpler way to give to Amicus. AmazonSmile allows you to donate a small part of your purchase to a chosen charity at no extra cost. To find out more and set up Amicus as your charity visit the Amazon website here.
For those of you interested in completing an Amicus US internship, please click here for more details and to apply.
If you haven't already, please take a moment to fill out ourcommunication preferences form so that Amicus can keep you up to date with Amicus news, events and opportunities.
Also, browse The Obstacles page for facts and quotes about death row, including links to some very interesting podcasts. If there is content you think we should include, please get in touch with us at admin@amicus-alj.org.
In the News
The cautionary tale of Clemente Aguirre
On 5th November, Clemente Aguirre became the 164th wrongfully convicted death row prisoner to be exonerated in the US since 1973 and the 28th in Florida after spending nearly 15 years behind bars, ten of which were on death row. Aguirre, who always maintained his innocence, described freedom as ...Read more
Supreme court to review Mississippi death penalty case in which prosecutors systematically excluded black jurors
The United States Supreme Court have granted a review in the matter of Curtis Flowers, who was sentenced to death in Mississippi after prosecutors systematically excluded all prospective African American jurors from ...Read more
Four Tennessee death row inmates ask for execution by firing squad
Four death row inmates in Tennessee are asking a federal court to grant permission for them to be executed by firing squad. This request follows the execution of Edmund Zagorski, whose appeal for death via the electric chair, a similarly unorthodox method by today’s standards, was met by the federal ...Read more
Supreme Court reverses Reams’ murder conviction
The Supreme Court of Arkansas on November 8, 2018, in a 5-2 ruling reversed the death penalty given to Kenneth Reams by the Jefferson County Court in 1993. Dissenting were Justices Rhonda Wood and Shawn Womack. Reams, 43, has been on death row since ...Read more
Amicus would like to extend a special thanks to Emma Kemsley-Pein, Rani Kaur, Abigail Cowling and Jessica Bognar for their contributions to this month's newsletter.
If you'd like to have your say, please get in touch with us at admin@amicus-alj.org. We'd love to hear from you!